Accurate soft fruit yield predictions to optimize your business

Based on Data and Artificial intelligence and an extra pair of eyes and senses

Forecasting made easy

We help our customers with optimizing their yield forecasts, by providing them a more robust forecasting process, supported by our data driven solution.
Our forecasting solution: creates realtime transparency, reduces mistakes and communication problems in the whole forecasting chain and gives data insights to all participants involved, which makes them do a better job.
From field level up to the desk of the sales department

Cooperation / Wholesaler


  • Better deals with retail
  • Accurate forecasts and budgets based on a robust forecasting process with real-time insights.
  • Automated data exchange with growers in any corner of the world
  • Less dependent on high experienced workers
How it works
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  • Clear overview of growers situation thanks to structured and accessible data
  • Tailored advice to growers based on innovative real-time insights and remote crop monitoring
  • Accurate forecasts
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Agronomist and grower in strawberry field, yield forecasting


  • Insights in (un)expected peak production
  • Easy reporting, less then 60 minutes p/week
  • Better resource planning
  • Better deals with wholesaler
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Our technology and financial partners

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